Sampling Overview: Lower the sampler into the container. Placed jar onto, or underneath, the head section. At the bottom or desired depth, engage plunger to seal sample. Retrieving plunger transfers core directly into the sample jar. Bottom or discrete interval sampling can also be performed by opening the plunger at the desired depth.

Various models are available in numerous sizes, lengths and configurations (drums, vats, tankers, tanks, ponds, etc.). All components are made of high density polyethylene (HDPE); sample tubes are available in plastics and glass, and sample rods in plastic and stainless. Samplers can accommodate many sizes and shapes of sample jar.

Caution: The operator should always be provided with adequate training, clearances, and protective equipment, such as suitable skin, eye and respiratory equipment, prior to performing sampling activities. Sampling should adhere to internal company procedures, government protocols, and/or industry standards. Contact your Safety Department for specific requirements.


Step 1:

Inspect. If damages have occurred, do not use. If needed, tighten joints and replace worn parts.

Step 2:

Slowly lower the Liquid Sampler into the container at a rate that allows representative sample collection. Generally, representative sampling occurs when the liquid level in the container is equal to that in the sample tube.

Step 3:

Remove the sample jar cap and place the jar onto, or underneath the head section. Ensure the jar is positioned correctly prior to fluid transfer.

Step 4:

When the sampler reaches the bottom (or desired depth) of the container and the liquid levels have equalized, engage the plunger into the sample tube.

Step 5:

Gradually pull the sample rod to engage the plunger into the sample tube. Continue to retract the plunger though the sample tube until seated into the head section and all the fluid has been transferred to the sample jar. The plunger must be pulled up the sample tube at a controlled rate so that the fluids can effectively transfer to the sample jar. Do not attempt to force or pressurize the fluid transfer into the sample jar. If sludges are present, access can be gained by removing the cap.

Step 6:

Allow sufficient time for all fluids to drain into the sample jar. Remove the jar, cap, label, and store appropriately. Sampling is complete.

Disposal or Reuse

The Liquid Sampler was designed to afford the operator the ability to reuse all, or part of, the sampler.   Although our samplers' parts are interchangeable, prior to reuse, several important factors need consideration (decon, data quality, labor, etc.). A common option is to dispose of the sample tube and plunger assembly and retain the head section for continued reuse. For disposal, the sampler may be placed into the container or disposed accordingly.


  1. Stainless Steel Rod (-S): If sample collection is repetitive or composite-based, the stainless steel rod can ease the sampling task. The rod allows the plunger to be pushed back down the sample tube, thus resetting the device.
  2. Decon Supplies (-D): Inner and outer sample tube decon wipers are available to assist in sampler clean-up.
  3. Materials: Units are available in a series of standard plastics, glass and metal components.